It made a request to secure website, and it is expecting to see a response back from that website to confirm security. The reason this happens is because your browser has gotten confused by Circle.
However, when a website using a secured connection (starts with is Filtered, and Circle redirects to our filter page, you may see that big scary warning instead. When the Circle software blocks a website for a device (due to the assigned profile's Filter Level, Filter Setting, Pause, Bedtime, Focus Time, etc.), it lets you know by redirecting the browser to our filter page (,, etc.) Secured connections Why is this happening? HTTPS and Circle The Circle filter page Here's an example error message from the Mozilla Firefox browser. You may see a very specific error code displayed right there in your browser, such as:įinally, you may see an alert from your computer or browser asking you to trust a certificate from Circle or warning about a local certificate with a common name like Circle002 from Circle Media Inc. 'Can't establish a secure connection.'.Depending on the browser you use, it might give you one of the following errors:
Sometimes while browsing on a network managed by your Circle device or on a device with the Circle VPN, you might encounter a big scary security message.